Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Multilayered efficiency system saves Denver health money, jobs. The Denver Post (7/29, Auge) reports that "a multilayered efficiency system known as Lean...has swept through Denver Health over the past five years with the fervor of a religious conversion." And "in an era marked by soaring healthcare costs and epidemic layoffs, even as it serves more and more uninsured patients while public funding dwindles, Denver Health has saved money and jobs -- and improved patient care -- using decades-old Toyota practices" emphasizing cost-cutting and high-quality, consistent work. "Since its Lean conversion in 2005, the city's public health system has benefited to the tune of $54 million in increased revenue, money not spent and expenses cut, according to chief financial officer Peg Burnette."

Moral of the story: Denver is awesome

Source: AMA Morning Rounds 7/29/2010

Multilayered efficiency system saves Denver health money, jobs.

The Denver Post (7/29, Auge) reports that "a multilayered efficiency system known as Lean...has swept through Denver Health over the past five years with the fervor of a religious conversion." And "in an era marked by soaring healthcare costs and epidemic layoffs, even as it serves more and more uninsured patients while public funding dwindles, Denver Health has saved money and jobs -- and improved patient care -- using decades-old Toyota practices" emphasizing cost-cutting and high-quality, consistent work. "Since its Lean conversion in 2005, the city's public health system has benefited to the tune of $54 million in increased revenue, money not spent and expenses cut, according to chief financial officer Peg Burnette."

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